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Jesus doesn't want perfect people, He wants people to have a real life "Happily Ever After."

Salvation = Eternal Life 

(God's Promise of your "Happily Everafter")


Confess - Receive - Believe

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Ask yourself these questions...


*Do you scoff at the thought of eternal life because your life is so unbearable you cannot imagine living like this forever? Revelation 21:3-5


*Do you scoff at eternal life because you live so comfortably right now that you cannot imagine anything better, and don't want to take a chance of ending up with less than you have right now? Matthew 19:28-29


*Do you doubt that you're good enough for God? Romans 8:1 


*Have you felt the Holy Spirit tugging at your heartstrings? Titus 2:11-12

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If you answered yes to any of these questions, then we speak the compassionate words of Jesus over you, "Fear not, only believe."


Whether the comforting thought of living an eternal LIFE in PEACE and LOVE in HEAVEN excites you - even in the smallest way, or the frightening thought of spending a real and torturous eternal DEATH in HELL makes you want to escape such a fate, there is only one way to be accepted to Heaven or escape the clutches of Hell. His name is Jesus. We encourage you to find the prayer below that best fits your scenario, and become part of an eternal LIFE filled with an everlasting family of believers who loves you, peace that surpasses all understanding, ultimate hope, and a future you are entitled to through grace.

Ephesians 2:8

My Eternal Hope: Revelation 21:3-5

Heavenly Sky

Dear God,

I don't know how to look at life other than here on earth. But others have told me that you have a promise that will forever take away my crying, my pain, my sorrow, and somehow miraculously even death and I will live forever.


They also say I need Jesus to make this promise mine.


This is all so new to me. I am scared and confused.  But I want to make this promise mine. So please hear my heart as I say the following...


JESUS, enter my heart, forgive my sins, and change my life. I believe that you are the Son of God, were born of a virgin, and suffered and died for my sins. I believe that you descended into hell and defeated death, rose on the third day from the tomb, and now sit in Heaven so that I may have eternal life. I understand that it is through grace alone and no my works that you have saved me. I trust in your promise of Revelation 21:3-5.  In your name, Jesus, I pray this. Amen


(be sure to share this awesome life-changing event with someone you love)

I'm Not Good Enough: Romans 8:1

Death Valley

Dear God, 

I have done bad things all of my life. I don't feel good enough to even talk to you, but others who already know you tell me that I don't have to be good enough. I want to believe this. 


They also tell me that I can be free from my bad self image and begin to see myself through your eyes.


I am not sure I know how to do this, but through this prayer I am going to believe as best I can that you will help me understand, and accept me the way I am now.


Hear me now. JESUS, enter my heart, forgive my sins, and change my life. I believe that you are the Son of God, were born of a virgin, and suffered and died for my sins. I believe that you descended into hell and defeated death, rose on the third day from the tomb, and now sit in Heaven so that I may have eternal life. I understand that it is through grace alone and no my works that you have saved me. I trust in your promise of Romans 8:1.  In your name, Jesus, I pray this. Amen


(be sure to share this awesome life-changing event with someone you love)

I Had No Idea I Could Live Forever: John 3:16 Is Real?


Dear God,

There are so many things being said that I don't know what to believe. I just want to know the Biblical truth.


I've seen and heard the words, John 3:16 so much it seems cliche`. Is it? Or is it really true? Can I have eternal life if I believe in Jesus? Please help me know the truth. 


All I know right now is that I don't want to miss out on becoming a resident of Heaven when my time is up. So with every bit of faith I have at this point in my life, I will say the following prayer. 


Hear me now. JESUS, enter my heart, forgive my sins, and change my life. I believe that you are the Son of God, were born of a virgin, and suffered and died for my sins. I believe that you descended into hell and defeated death, rose on the third day from the tomb, and now sit in Heaven so that I may have eternal life. I understand that it is through grace alone and no my works that you have saved me. I trust in your promise of John 3:16.  In your name, Jesus, I pray this. Amen


(be sure to share this awesome life-changing event with someone you love)

I Am Willing: Matthew 19:28-29

Looking Up

Dear God,

I have come to a point in my life where nothing satisfies me. No matter how much I try I come up empty. 


For this reason I have decided it is time to let go of the things I'm chasing after now, and allow you to chase after me. 


I am ready and willing to give up everything for the sake of you. 


Hear me now. 

JESUS, enter my heart, forgive my sins, and change my life. I believe that you are the Son of God, were born of a virgin, and suffered and died for my sins. I believe that you descended into hell and defeated death, rose on the third day from the tomb, and now sit in Heaven so that I may have eternal life. I understand that it is through grace alone and no my works that you have saved me. I trust in your promise of Matthew 19:28-29.  In your name, Jesus, I pray this. Amen


(be sure to share this awesome life-changing event with someone you love)

Who's That Tugging on My Heart?: Titus 2:11-12

Yellow Wall

Dear God, 

I'm feeling something or oddly, someone, tugging on my heart that I've not felt before. Though it feels like an urgency I don't feel afraid. It's an urgency that I feel like I want to give into. 


I believe it's you, God, calling me to you, and I want to yield to this. I've never asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior, but I believe now is the time. 


Hear me now. JESUS, enter my heart, forgive my sins, and change my life. I believe that you are the Son of God, were born of a virgin, and suffered and died for my sins. I believe that you descended into hell and defeated death, rose on the third day from the tomb, and now sit in Heaven so that I may have eternal life. I understand that it is through grace alone and no my works that you have saved me. I trust in your promise of Titus 2:11-12.  In your name, Jesus, I pray this. Amen


(be sure to share this awesome life-changing event with someone you love)

Repentance: 1 John 1:8-9


Dear God,

I have come to the realization that just because I'm a good person in my own eyes, doesn't mean that I am without sin. 


I've come to understand that I need a Savior. 


Hear me now. JESUS, enter my heart, forgive my sins, and change my life. I believe that you are the Son of God, were born of a virgin, and suffered and died for my sins. I believe that you descended into hell and defeated death, rose on the third day from the tomb, and now sit in Heaven so that I may have eternal life. I understand that it is through grace alone and no my works that you have saved me. I trust in your promise of 1 John 1:8-9.  In your name, Jesus, I pray this. Amen


(be sure to share this awesome life-changing event with someone you love)

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